Cattle Program
The Diamond S cattle program includes purebred Angus, purebred Braunvieh as well as a sizable commercial cow herd. The program utilizes genetics that represent least-cost production and efficiency on grass and forage with an emphasis on maternal function and trouble-free production. Diamond S females excel in fleshing ability, udder soundness, reproductive efficiency and mothering ability. Genetics are blended based on optimum levels of performance rather than maximums. The mission is to produce cattle that are profitable for all segments of the cattle industry with a major focus on genetics that will work in the real world for commercial producers. Artificial insemination and embryo transfer are used as tools to improve and sustain the program. Braunvieh cattle were added in 2005 as a means to capitalize on hybrid vigor and to offer customers a composite cross to improve efficiency, maternal function, environmental adaptability, growth and carcass traits. The Braunvieh x Angus cross has proved to be an ideal cross to blend with our philosophy in a grass based paradigm. The Angus-based commercial herd is bred to Braunvieh bulls to produce replacements and top quality feeder cattle.
Our Bulls, Heifers and Steers
Purebred and composite bulls are performance tested on a forage based ration to insure soundness and marketed private treaty as long yearlings to provide maximum breeding performance. Heifers are developed on a forage ration to guarantee maximum reproductive performance and marketed privately meeting all the Virginia Beef Quality Assurance standards. Steers are back-grounded on grass forage and various commodities and are sold in trailer load lots at approximately 850 pounds. Diamond S has utilized the show ring as a means to promote their program and cattle. They have exhibited Champions at major shows across the country such as the North American Livestock Exposition, Tulsa State Fair, Ft. Worth Stock Show and National Western Stock Show. Diamond S was selected as the 2007 New Breeder of the Year by the Braunvieh Association of America. Diamond S has participated in National and Regional Sales with both Angus and Braunvieh cattle as part of their marketing plan.